Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Stephen Gardiner
Winston Churchill
William Morris

These tips are provided to ensure that your experience of using the sites is as easy as possible.
Use your browser to control the size of text
For example using Internet Explorer for Windows; on the 'View' menu, select 'Text Size' and then choose the text size you find most comfortable for readability.
Use your browser to increase accessibility in line with your needs
For example using Internet Explorer for Windows; on the Tools menu, select Internet Options. By selecting the Accessibility button, you can choose to ignore the colours, font styles or the font sizes specified in the website design, or to ignore all three.
Then, by selecting the Colour button, you can select the colours for text and background which you find most comfortable, or by selecting the Font button, you can select the font style which you prefer.
These sites have been designed to be viewed at screen resolutions of 1024 x 768 pixels or higher. The sites are still accessible at lower resolutions, but you may like to change your displays settings to aid content viewing. For example using Windows XP select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Display. Then select the settings tab and in the Screen Area increase the slider to select 1024 x 768 or higher.
These sites conform to the W3C's [World Wide Web Consortium's] Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, conformance level Single-A. This W3C specification provides guidance on accessibility of Web sites for people with disabilities.
By conforming to these Guidelines we are making these sites more accessible to users with disabilities, which should benefit all users.
These sites also conform to the W3C guidelines for HTML mark up language and Cascading Style Sheets.
Files available for download on these sites are provided in either Rich Text Format or Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
This type of word processing file can be opened by a variety of word processing programs on both a PC or Macintosh computer.
You can download a particular RTF file to your computer to view or print later. If you have a PC, right-click on the RTF icon and select "Save Target As". If you have a Macintosh, click and hold until the menu appears. Then select "Save Target As" (or the applicable menu choice)
RTF document file sizes are indicated so you can estimate how long it will take you to obtain the file.
These documents can be opened both on Windows and Macintosh computers. To be able to open PDF documents you must have the Adobe Acrobat reader.
If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat reader follow this link to download it for free.
Follow this link to find out more about Acrobat Reader document accessibility features.
PDF can be viewed online and downloaded to your computer to view or print later. If you have a PC, right-click on the PDF icon and select "Save Target As". If you have a Macintosh, click and hold until the menu appears. Then select "Save Target As" (or the applicable menu choice).
PDF document file sizes are indicated so you can estimate how long it will take you to obtain the file.
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